Thursday, September 17, 2020



My Love for Music

Where is my passion for music coming from? Where and when was the beginning of passion?

Does the genes pass on the passion or is it a learned behaviour. I don't know, let's see what you are saying about my case.

Both my parents and my brothers are big music fans. From an early age, I can remember my parents playing music around us. Nation, Rock & Roll & Irish music seem to be their favourites. An artist named Jim Reeves is my earliest memory. Jim Reeves was an American country western singer in the 1950's. My mom would play 7 "or LP vinyl and my dad would play 8 track tapes on cassette tapes.

After watching Val Doonican at the "The Val Doonican Music Show" we will attend an Irish dance most weekends. Val had been an Irish singer from Waterford, Ireland who had been around since the mid-60s. He had different hits like "What would I be" He was a guy with a name for a girl and he wore a beautiful selection of knitwear.

With musicians and singers my extended family is very talented too. Both professionally and as a hobby, they use their talent. Yeah, I can play a few instruments but I can't hold a melody. My poor husband must suffer from my horrible singing, and I've been practising for 40 years, but I can still ruin an album. I do have one talent though, if you can call it a talent.I can sing along to almost every song I hear, but I can't name the title of a song beyond one word. Lol, I can't even call the band, but I can sing all those words. Anyone who knows me knows I have a sharp memory and I can name groups / singers from various ages, but I don't need to put together an album, title or band. How strange that is!!!!!!

I tried to remember what instrument I first learned to play and I am sure it was the recorder like most kids. At a young age, I was the owner of a recorder, but at around 7 years old, I got my first percussion instrument, a xylophone. I got this Christmas gift in the seventies and almost 40 years later, I still have the instrument to this day.

I have learned to play percussion, woodwind, string and harmonic instruments, but I have not been able to make a living out of my talents. My father was a self taught accordion player but on the accordion / squeeze box I have other family members who are outstanding.

I played the guitar in school with a group of school friends, who read my blog too. Well ladies, I've still got my guitar too lol in its original case. It must be a vintage piece. I got my guitar when I was around 13/14. I need to repair broken strings that I'm sure have been damaged when travelling to Canada from the UK.

From a young age, other family members introduced me to music. I had a cousin who took me to a record shop with friends on Narborough Road, Leicester, UK owned by Showaddywaddy band member I believe. Showaddywaddy was a band from Leicester and had several UK hits in 1976 including a number 1 "under the moon of love."Thank you cousin K for the introduction and if I'm wrong you can correct me, did they not buy me ice cream too? Recalling that the ice cream was more fun than meeting a celebrity.

A fond memory was when I was a teenager living with family in Yorkshire and my cousin P brought a 7′′ vinyl. I know that Andy Williams sang the hit Frankie Valli but I don't know who the artist / band was from her version.All I know is, she's been playing, playing and playing the record and when I hear that song now, I 'm thinking about cousin P and the wonderful time I've had in Yorkshire, UK.

I have another cousin, A, who was in the Northern Soul and still travels across the UK to attend events to this day. I don't know if I liked any of the music because of her or if it was due to the mod influence of the 80s. Cousin A used to dress in 60 's clothing and could pull the look off almost.

Music was interested as children in our selected disco events at the nearby social club and nightclub "Studio" in the city centre. We would go roller skating at Granby Halls every weekend if they had what they call a roller disco. Basically dancing on skates and showing off our skating strategies in circles.

I've been listening to the UK Top 40 for years on Sunday evening while washing up my brother's dishes. I'd buy "Smash Hits" magazine every fortnight and learn the lyrics of songs on the bus commuting to college with a friend.

I might go on telling you various storeys of my music journey for hours but the blog will never end. From Dean Martin to II Divo to Olly Mars, my music tastes are quietly diverse, but my absolute favourite music is house music from my rave days. I am a huge fan of dance music and still haven't skipped an annual cd from the Ministry of Sound.I have to get used to downloading and my cd selection is insane. I still have a set of 7′′ vinyls dating back to the 60s including LP's & 12′s along the way. I'm afraid I can't let them go because I'm considered a hoarder right now. Lol.

What do you think music is in my genes, or is it behaviour learned?

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