Monday, September 7, 2020


 loving to country and nation 

loving to country is a manifestation love other than love to god , prophet ,religion , parents and ourselves . Islamic religion very encouraging his people to love its country . 

Love to country must be educate at school early , so it will fertile when old and become adult . Feeling loving to country will make every citizen feels responsibility  to developed country from any field whether from social , economy , politic ,  religion ,culture ,literature or education . 

Drafting malaysian constitution proves that there is existing tolerance , willing to sharing power ,willing to sacrifice ,understanding each other and united from other nation religion and culture .

Understanding what is explicit and implied in constitution very important for planting loving to country . Through it ,it will be existed understanding , desire and ability to make changes and for more important , earnestness to build dignity and self worth .For nation that is stressed and under colonialism , independance bulge sovereignty in every field . 

What we getting  know is product of patience and we need to gratitude with nikmah of independance, and prosperous . According to Hamka , religion with power increase strongly and power with religion increase permanently . Thorough religious strong will emerge patriotism and make important agenda which is nation building agenda .In this case , every citizen need to appreciate democracy includes not to insukting other religion or culture nation whether words or action . Defending country from enemy and attacking outsiders become responsibility . loyalty to king and country is a an element of love towards country . In Islam , defending safety of property and family is a demand in religion .

prophet muhammad saw said " the  person who defeat defending his asset , died honourably , those defending their family ,died honourably , and defending himself , also died honourably . 

values of loving to country such as loyalty , bravery , willing to sacrifice and volunteering , need to add for shaping malaysian citizen that is patriotic and responsibility to nation and homeland . 

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