Wednesday, September 16, 2020



                                                               LOVE YOURSELF💕

How to love yourself?If we love ourselves we will be happy, irrespective of our condition or what others think of us. We would be miserable if we do not respect ourselves, regardless of our circumstance or what others think of us. Loving ourselves, therefore, is very necessary. I will describe in this blog post how to love yourself.   

 The most famous strategies that don't work to love yourself. I think it is important to discuss why the most successful and most effective methods on how to love yourself can not give you the results you want, before we get into exactly how to love yourself .

The only reason we don't love each other is that we believe in pessimistic feelings about ourselves or our condition. It's these negative thoughts that build our guilt and sense of indignity or insufficiency. When we treat ourselves outside to something good (spa, holidays, dessert etc.),"In essence, we mean," I deserve this," "It's cool that I get to experience this," "This is something I should give myself because I'm worth it. And that's totally okay. There isn't a problem at all with this. Doing such things can feel fun. Continue doing it if you like it.

Now that we see why the 2 most common techniques on how to love yourself are not really working, let 's explore how to really feel love for oneself.

You have to ask yourself the first question, "Why do I not love myself?" , "What do I hate about myself?" ", "Why am I feeling unlovable? "What's my condition I don't like?
Generally speaking, we are so busy amusing ourselves and distracting ourselves from our thoughts that we don't just let ourselves be with our thoughts. And if we don't see what thoughts make us feel unlovable then we can't fix those thoughts for sure.

The response to the question "How to love yourself?" is that negative feelings about yourself and your life are what make you not love yourself. is to combat the feelings that make you hate yourself. You need to remove the feelings that make you feel unlovable, in order to accept yourself.

What Thoughts Are Making You Not Love Yourself? 
Looking at why you just don't love to love yourself may seem frightening. Because, if you don't look at these feelings, if you don't know why you don't love yourself, you're only going to continue to feel the way you do and go through life trying to make someone else love you to help you love yourself. And this causes a great deal of pain.

"We may not love ourselves for some of us because we think" I am unattractive," "my character is not good enough," "I am a failure," "I am not successful enough," "I am a bad mom," "I am not enjoyable enough, "or" I am not outgoing enough. Often there is no unique characteristic for other people that we don't like for ourselves.Instead, there might only be an implicit feeling of indignity or unlovability.

Right now, you should take a look and see if you should find your explanation. "Any of the following questions can be asked yourself:" Why do I not love myself? , "What do I hate about myself?" ", "Why am I feeling unlovable? "What's my condition I don't like?

The solutions may be very clear to you, but the explanation or reasoning as to why you don't love yourself may also be very difficult to find. If you don't want to do it right now, then consider giving this exploration process some time later. And for yourself, be careful. You simply can't push it.

How to love yourself: Whatever thoughts make you feel unlovable or worthless, out of nowhere do these thoughts pop up. These ideas you didn't pick up. You didn't pick them out. They are not managed by you. If you controlled your emotions, you would of course prefer never to think about yourself with negative thoughts. So, that's not a personal issue. You should then be soft on yourself.

Next step how to love yourself .Instead of pushing away or dismissing this feeling, instead of distracting yourself from this feeling, instead of telling yourself something positive and trying to persuade yourself that you are perfect, look to see what emotions cause these feelings, look to see what storeys are being told in your head at that moment. The next time you start to feel unworthy or not enjoying yourself,And then ask if these ideas or storeys are real.

When you see that these thoughts are not valid, or that they are not real and concrete, or that they mean nothing to you, then you are free.

You're not going to have a thought which says "I love myself" or "I am wonderful." But you don't need to love yourself with these feelings, you don't need to feel great with these feelings. The lack of negative thoughts about yourself, my dear friends, is literally loving yourself:-)

Bless God!!

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