Thursday, September 17, 2020



                                                                  WHAT IS LOVE?

What's love here? One of the most commonly asked questions and receives thousands of replies. Actually, nobody can describe it. Based on their emotions or memories, many people have tried to explain it, but we can say that: Love is not a feeling. Love is a choice that we take.

Why do so many ever ask what the essence of love is? Is it in a partnership, out of fear of uncertainty? Or is it because we were guilty of not expressing respect for anyone ourselves? And why is it that, even though we don't fully understand exactly what love is, we prefer to make love-based decisions, both good and bad?


One of the most profound feelings that we feel as humans is passion. It's bigger than us, meaning we don't have power over how, when and where love begins to show itself, even though we can welcome it into our lives. Perhaps that is why, at first sight, 72 percent of people believe in love. Often love really hits the chest like a bolt of lightening, and you're not ready for it.

Since love is essentially free, in an effort to understand what it is, and how to know if we have it, we spend nights tossing and turning. How does something so uncontrollable and flexible describe you?

That's the difficult thing about love, we can feel it in a lot of different states — when we're happy, sad, frustrated, confused or excited — and our love attitudes can vary from affectionate love to infatuation and enjoyment. We also use love as an action, as a force to sustain our relationships with partners, or with friends and family.

While there are many different kinds of love to experience, what we are all seeking is the romantic and affectionate expression of love on some level. The explanation is that the majority of us find satisfaction in the intimacy of a relationship that is deeply committed and romantic.In reality, 88 percent of Americans cite love as the top reason they want to get married, so it's easy to understand that in all our lives, the concept of love plays a pretty big role.


But because love takes different forms we may experience love in our own way, which is why it's so difficult to define the word 'love.' And then we find ourselves lying awake at night, looking for an exact definition on the Internet because our society generates a need for one-we want to understand how love is interpreted by others so that we can decide how our love measures up against that definition.Think about it: if you say you're in love with someone, but the chemistry is not seen by your friends or family, you might be angry when they tell you that "it doesn't look like love." Are they wrong? Or is it you? How does one know who to believe, so we check the Internet as we do in this day, urgently trying to know what, exactly, love is.


Love is a potent and enduring psychological disorder from a scientific point of view. Love is chemistry, and it's not something that you can regulate by necessity. Take the difference between the lust and love, for example. It lasts for a little while, then you normalise and it's gone. Lust is a fleeting desire fueled by an increased release of testosterone and oestrogen.But, the brain will release a whole range of chemicals when you feel true love, enabling you to perceive it in various phrases.


Love is so difficult to describe since there is no such thing as one. We will feel love for our other significant people, our parents , friends, kids and pets. Some of us aim our love toward God, or toward celebrities, and we can keep love for our neighbours, country, and stuff. Blind, misguided, tragic, unconditional, steadfast and contradictory might be devotion.It takes on several different variants, but love is a passionate devotion at its finest, which we are continuously working to cultivate and nurture.


Lastly, love is all about compatibility, when all is said and done. One of the main considerations when you break down and evaluate various relationships is how compatible the two partners are. You are much more likely to be compatible with someone when you have the same beliefs, likes and dislikes, preferences, political or philosophical opinions, and are therefore more likely to fall in love.Of course, there will always be cases where "opposites attract" but there will always have to be some shared grounds for the relationship to grow roots on, or it might collapse into one of the other kinds of love. Love and compatibility work together to create a relationship so you want to find someone you know you're going to be compatible with at the end of the day, right?

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