Friday, September 18, 2020

By Izz Irfan


hobby is a regular activity done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time, not professionally and not for pay. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. Participation in hobbies encourages acquiring substantial skills and knowledge in that area. A list of hobbies changes with renewed interests and developing fashions, making it diverse and lengthy. Hobbies tend to follow trends in society, for example stamp collecting was popular during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as postal systems were the main means of communication, while video games are more popular nowadays following technological advances. The advancing production and technology of the nineteenth century provided workers with more availability in leisure time to engage in hobbies. Because of this, the efforts of people investing in hobbies has increased with time.

Hobbyists may be identified under three sub-categories: casual leisure which is intrinsically rewarding, short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no preparation, serious leisure which is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer that is substantial, rewarding and results in a sense of accomplishment, and finally project-based leisure which is a short-term often a one-off project that is rewarding.

hobby is a regular activity done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time, not professionally and not for pay. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements.
hobby is an activity that you do in your spare time for fun. In the 13th century the word hobby referred to a small horse or a pony. ... It later came to describe a toy horse — a hobbyhorse. It's from the hobbyhorse that the word's modern sense of “favorite pastime” evolved.
Confidence: Hobbies build confidence because being good at something and learning something new is very rewarding. ... Hobbies that require some level of physical activity also create chemical changes in our body that help reduce stress but even if your hobby does not require physical activity you can still benefit.
It helps to relieve stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. Hobbiesgive you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life. They let you relax and seek pleasure in activities that aren't associated with work, chores or other responsibilities. Hobbies help you become more patient.

Creativity: Most hobbies require creativity and developing creativity through a hobbycan transfer directly into creativity at work. ... Confidence: Hobbies build confidence because being good at something and learning something new is very rewarding.
Examples of hobbies and interests
  • Artistic activities such as painting or graphic design.
  • Community service.
  • Cooking or baking.
  • Examples of interests.
  • Exercising and healthcare.
  • Outdoor activities.
  • Playing an instrument.
  • Team or individual sports.

Thursday, September 17, 2020



There's nothing like "ah ha" moments of learning and teaching. They are moments of deep exploration as our learning unites in a new understanding of the universe and of ourselves. For me my favourite teachers created those moments. They asked difficult questions, presented informative texts and promoted discussing emotions and ideas.They asked me directly and implicitly who I wanted to be, and how I wanted to contribute to the world. They exhibited a conviction that my learning would have meaning far beyond material mastery and elite college entry if they questioned and encouraged me.

I also see how it was a joint endeavour as I focus on the learning process that we participated in together. Years later, during the process, I can still remember their enthusiasm and the signals they learned right along with me. More than technical collaborations, those were. Their pedagogy was rooted in love, the love of "agape" characterised by a dedication to celebrating others' humanity.

Paulo Freire defined pedagogy in Pedagogy of the Oppressed as the dynamics of power among students , teachers, and subjects of study. He argued that the degree to which education oppresses or liberates dictates how this force is exercised in the classroom. He believed that all human beings had the capacity to learn about our infinitely complex universe and to teach about its special experiences.He also saw the collaborative process of integrating such skills as key to safeguarding these capabilities. Freire equated love relationships like these with learning.

Love is not often referred to as a central building block in rigorous educational environments. But both students and teachers identify with its significance. Ask someone about their life's most meaningful learning experiences, and they'll share a storey about a teacher's relationship. They can say of the efforts of that person to open them to new experiences, stimulate their reflection, and encourage them.They're going through the painful times. And if you listen closely, you can hear proof of the joy and satisfaction the teacher plays in their function. Such teachers take their place amongst the friends and family who form our sense of self and how we interact with the world — the people we love.



My Love for Music

Where is my passion for music coming from? Where and when was the beginning of passion?

Does the genes pass on the passion or is it a learned behaviour. I don't know, let's see what you are saying about my case.

Both my parents and my brothers are big music fans. From an early age, I can remember my parents playing music around us. Nation, Rock & Roll & Irish music seem to be their favourites. An artist named Jim Reeves is my earliest memory. Jim Reeves was an American country western singer in the 1950's. My mom would play 7 "or LP vinyl and my dad would play 8 track tapes on cassette tapes.

After watching Val Doonican at the "The Val Doonican Music Show" we will attend an Irish dance most weekends. Val had been an Irish singer from Waterford, Ireland who had been around since the mid-60s. He had different hits like "What would I be" He was a guy with a name for a girl and he wore a beautiful selection of knitwear.

With musicians and singers my extended family is very talented too. Both professionally and as a hobby, they use their talent. Yeah, I can play a few instruments but I can't hold a melody. My poor husband must suffer from my horrible singing, and I've been practising for 40 years, but I can still ruin an album. I do have one talent though, if you can call it a talent.I can sing along to almost every song I hear, but I can't name the title of a song beyond one word. Lol, I can't even call the band, but I can sing all those words. Anyone who knows me knows I have a sharp memory and I can name groups / singers from various ages, but I don't need to put together an album, title or band. How strange that is!!!!!!

I tried to remember what instrument I first learned to play and I am sure it was the recorder like most kids. At a young age, I was the owner of a recorder, but at around 7 years old, I got my first percussion instrument, a xylophone. I got this Christmas gift in the seventies and almost 40 years later, I still have the instrument to this day.

I have learned to play percussion, woodwind, string and harmonic instruments, but I have not been able to make a living out of my talents. My father was a self taught accordion player but on the accordion / squeeze box I have other family members who are outstanding.

I played the guitar in school with a group of school friends, who read my blog too. Well ladies, I've still got my guitar too lol in its original case. It must be a vintage piece. I got my guitar when I was around 13/14. I need to repair broken strings that I'm sure have been damaged when travelling to Canada from the UK.

From a young age, other family members introduced me to music. I had a cousin who took me to a record shop with friends on Narborough Road, Leicester, UK owned by Showaddywaddy band member I believe. Showaddywaddy was a band from Leicester and had several UK hits in 1976 including a number 1 "under the moon of love."Thank you cousin K for the introduction and if I'm wrong you can correct me, did they not buy me ice cream too? Recalling that the ice cream was more fun than meeting a celebrity.

A fond memory was when I was a teenager living with family in Yorkshire and my cousin P brought a 7′′ vinyl. I know that Andy Williams sang the hit Frankie Valli but I don't know who the artist / band was from her version.All I know is, she's been playing, playing and playing the record and when I hear that song now, I 'm thinking about cousin P and the wonderful time I've had in Yorkshire, UK.

I have another cousin, A, who was in the Northern Soul and still travels across the UK to attend events to this day. I don't know if I liked any of the music because of her or if it was due to the mod influence of the 80s. Cousin A used to dress in 60 's clothing and could pull the look off almost.

Music was interested as children in our selected disco events at the nearby social club and nightclub "Studio" in the city centre. We would go roller skating at Granby Halls every weekend if they had what they call a roller disco. Basically dancing on skates and showing off our skating strategies in circles.

I've been listening to the UK Top 40 for years on Sunday evening while washing up my brother's dishes. I'd buy "Smash Hits" magazine every fortnight and learn the lyrics of songs on the bus commuting to college with a friend.

I might go on telling you various storeys of my music journey for hours but the blog will never end. From Dean Martin to II Divo to Olly Mars, my music tastes are quietly diverse, but my absolute favourite music is house music from my rave days. I am a huge fan of dance music and still haven't skipped an annual cd from the Ministry of Sound.I have to get used to downloading and my cd selection is insane. I still have a set of 7′′ vinyls dating back to the 60s including LP's & 12′s along the way. I'm afraid I can't let them go because I'm considered a hoarder right now. Lol.

What do you think music is in my genes, or is it behaviour learned?



How to Avoid Stress and Anxiety from Past Trauma Triggers: 5 Tips

How to avoid stress and anxiety from getting out of control and causing past trauma: 5 Tips Co-written by Arrezo Azimzadeh, BA, Psych, Behavioral Therapist & Owner of Wish Upon Arrezo Avoid stress and anxiety: Have you ever found that on a first date your palms get sweaty or felt your heart pound during an exam?Oh, then you are conscious that both your mind and body will experience stress / anxiety.

Red Flag Relationship: What makes "TOXIC" a relationship?

Red Flags Relationship: How do you know if you are toxic in your relationship? Look for those red flags. As many of you know, red flags of relationships can be difficult to recognise. Since relationships are hard by nature and take a lot of effort, you may sometimes ask yourself, "Is this really healthy?" "We were all in there.Knowing how to define what is a "natural" amount of dysfunction and what is it can be challenging

Stuff to do if you don't feel hearing: 5 different ways to express yourself

5 Things to try if you don't feel heard: It can be incredibly isolating to feel unheard or misunderstood in your relationship. When you've done everything you can to describe how you feel and your partner really doesn't listen to you, it can also be exhausting. I sometimes hear my clients claim that their main concern is that they are not being heard in their relationship(s).They find that they communicate easily and clearly express themselves. What is the problem, then?.

Ask a Relationship Therapist: Do you have any concerns about your relationship or overall relationships? Ask Connection Therapy Your affection, relationship, girlfriend, circumstance, fear and more questions. Leave a comment below (anonymous if you wish) or directly send an email to Zy.Please note, he only offers recommendations or insights based on the reach of his experience by answering your questions. Zy is not responsible for the result and its reactions to your case.

Important Dating Tips

5 Important Dating Tips from a Relationship Expert: What to do if you want to find a "true" link Important dating tips to consider If you're looking for more than a hook up or someone to fill an urgent gap in your schedule, then you may be disappointed with modern dating.Many of my clients who want marriage (or at least a serious partnership) are grappling with the.



                                                                  WHAT IS LOVE?

What's love here? One of the most commonly asked questions and receives thousands of replies. Actually, nobody can describe it. Based on their emotions or memories, many people have tried to explain it, but we can say that: Love is not a feeling. Love is a choice that we take.

Why do so many ever ask what the essence of love is? Is it in a partnership, out of fear of uncertainty? Or is it because we were guilty of not expressing respect for anyone ourselves? And why is it that, even though we don't fully understand exactly what love is, we prefer to make love-based decisions, both good and bad?


One of the most profound feelings that we feel as humans is passion. It's bigger than us, meaning we don't have power over how, when and where love begins to show itself, even though we can welcome it into our lives. Perhaps that is why, at first sight, 72 percent of people believe in love. Often love really hits the chest like a bolt of lightening, and you're not ready for it.

Since love is essentially free, in an effort to understand what it is, and how to know if we have it, we spend nights tossing and turning. How does something so uncontrollable and flexible describe you?

That's the difficult thing about love, we can feel it in a lot of different states — when we're happy, sad, frustrated, confused or excited — and our love attitudes can vary from affectionate love to infatuation and enjoyment. We also use love as an action, as a force to sustain our relationships with partners, or with friends and family.

While there are many different kinds of love to experience, what we are all seeking is the romantic and affectionate expression of love on some level. The explanation is that the majority of us find satisfaction in the intimacy of a relationship that is deeply committed and romantic.In reality, 88 percent of Americans cite love as the top reason they want to get married, so it's easy to understand that in all our lives, the concept of love plays a pretty big role.


But because love takes different forms we may experience love in our own way, which is why it's so difficult to define the word 'love.' And then we find ourselves lying awake at night, looking for an exact definition on the Internet because our society generates a need for one-we want to understand how love is interpreted by others so that we can decide how our love measures up against that definition.Think about it: if you say you're in love with someone, but the chemistry is not seen by your friends or family, you might be angry when they tell you that "it doesn't look like love." Are they wrong? Or is it you? How does one know who to believe, so we check the Internet as we do in this day, urgently trying to know what, exactly, love is.


Love is a potent and enduring psychological disorder from a scientific point of view. Love is chemistry, and it's not something that you can regulate by necessity. Take the difference between the lust and love, for example. It lasts for a little while, then you normalise and it's gone. Lust is a fleeting desire fueled by an increased release of testosterone and oestrogen.But, the brain will release a whole range of chemicals when you feel true love, enabling you to perceive it in various phrases.


Love is so difficult to describe since there is no such thing as one. We will feel love for our other significant people, our parents , friends, kids and pets. Some of us aim our love toward God, or toward celebrities, and we can keep love for our neighbours, country, and stuff. Blind, misguided, tragic, unconditional, steadfast and contradictory might be devotion.It takes on several different variants, but love is a passionate devotion at its finest, which we are continuously working to cultivate and nurture.


Lastly, love is all about compatibility, when all is said and done. One of the main considerations when you break down and evaluate various relationships is how compatible the two partners are. You are much more likely to be compatible with someone when you have the same beliefs, likes and dislikes, preferences, political or philosophical opinions, and are therefore more likely to fall in love.Of course, there will always be cases where "opposites attract" but there will always have to be some shared grounds for the relationship to grow roots on, or it might collapse into one of the other kinds of love. Love and compatibility work together to create a relationship so you want to find someone you know you're going to be compatible with at the end of the day, right?

By Izz Irfan


What is love? One of the most frequently asked questions and has thousands of answers. Nobody can really define it. Many people have tried to describe it based on their feelings or experiences, but we can say that: Love is not a feeling. Love is a decision we make.

Various scientists and philosophers have long tried to define love. There is no formula to define the meaning of love. Which can be defined is the understanding of love from various perspectives of life. Here are some meanings of love from famous thinkers:

- According to M. Scott Peck, an American psychiatrist and author of The Road Less Traveled, the meaning of love is a humans' desire to develop themselves and to maintain their spiritual growth or spiritual development of others.

- The definition of love according to Quraish Shihab, a national Muslim figure, is the tendency of the human heart for something or someone because of the pleasure or benefits that can be obtained from the loved ones.

- Love as a feeling of soul and human turmoil that drives a person to love his lover with tenderness, passion, and affection is defined by Abdullah Nashih 'Ulwan, a legendary Muslim figure from Syria.

- According to Erich Fromm, a psychology professor from Germany, five processes shape love: recognition, feeling, responsibility, attention, and mutual respect.

The characters of loving someone

Based on the definition of love according to experts from various perspectives, here are five characteristics that you have found the feeling of love for someone. These five things must be fulfilled to conclude that the feeling you are experiencing is love.

1. The feeling of happiness and you also want to make him happy

The feeling of happiness to be near or to interact with someone is one sign that there is a feeling of love in you. Especially when you see your partner happy, you feel happy too. Therefore, you also feel that you always want to make him happy.

2. A sense of interest/admiration

This does not only relate to physical, but also non-verbal. Physical attraction describes an interest or impressions you have towards someone and his achievements. Meanwhile, admiration is more to non-verbal things that make you impress, such as his sense of humor or his helpful nature.

3. A sense to care and to give attention

Do you always want to be notified immediately as he arrives at his destination? Or, you often ask what food he wants? Those attentions, which generally continue because you have a desire to try to fulfill or to just make him feel comfortable, are signs that you are in love.

4. Making sacrifices

Sacrifice between parents and children is a common thing. Likewise, couples, who love each other, are willing to sacrifice for their partner, simple or major. For example, when the husband gave up his permanent job to move to another city following his wife who will continue her education.

5. Bringing up goodness

Loving someone positively means you feel good things in yourself too. It is shown by better words and deeds you express, as well as more self-confidence.

In addition to the five features above, an important point to remember is that love must be both ways. Both of you and him must feel the same way to be able to become a couple who are mentally and physically attached.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020




Hello everybody, my apologies for being so absent from the blog***waves wildly * * *. I'm happy to share with you that the third printing of Shop Cats of New York is on and was recently translated into Japanese! A Big thank you for your help, and if you haven't received a copy, then today is still there!

It's been a while since I wrote about (with cats) having an aesthetically pleasing house. I have said for a long time that I want my home to be comfortable for me and my animals, shouting "Welcome to Casa Cat" as visitors walk through the gates.

Sadly, my efforts to teach Kip in lieu of my furniture to use a scratching post failed miserably. However, I was successful in teaching him to use scratching post to show his wish for a treat (insert eye roll emoji here).

Needless to say, throws in my house have become a major decorating accessory because I will never consider declawing them! (I have discovered recently why cats kill furniture in the most popular and difficult areas of our furniture to hide. Read to the end to find out why!).

Once many years ago, having reupholstered my beloved chaise lounge, it was painfully obvious that once again intervention was needed. I was delighted when the people at Cat Friendly Sofa reached out to me about their tailor-made anti-scratch sofa covers, not wanting to waste the cash on reupholstery.

Lusine Manukyan (a fellow Armenian – woot!) and her husband Luigi Delfino, who resides in Putignano, Italy, started Cat Friendly Sofa in 2014. As parents of five cats, they acknowledged that the instinct of a cat to scratch was normal and served many purposes (in an attempt to teach, I love that they explain the reasons why cats scratch on their website). Knowing what to declaw was not a choice, they saw the ne

Taking into account cat scratching behaviour and evaluating different types of materials, they took a lot of time in research and development to find one that is 100 per cent cat evidence. And now, for different kinds of furniture, they make custom covers for cat-loving customers around the world.

Lusine and Luigi are delighted that their product makes adoptions simpler (not to mention keeping cat's claws intact!). They also support Gatto Randagio Onlus, a non-profit organisation in Northern Italy that cares for abandoned cats, encouraging anyone who visit their site to contribute 1 Euro (about $1.25USD) to the community so they can continue their good work.

Check out the Pet Friendly Sofa website or contact us at to get a quote. It is a little stiff given the toughness of the fabric, so you might want to consider just covering the places where your cats scratch the most compared to the whole piece of furniture.

So why do cats always scratch furniture (the arms and never the back of the sofa) in the most obvious places? It turns out that by scratching famous landmarks (like large trees) in the wild, cats mark their territories to make sure that cats in the area get their message loud and clear. And it makes only sense that they do the same in our homes. What the point is, because no one sees it!



                                                                    LOVE BIRD AS PET

If you love an Amazon parrot 's bold personality but aren't sure you can handle a bigger bird, consider a pet lovebird. If you're willing to learn how to take care of them and don't mind an occasional nip to remind you who's really in charge, lovebirds make interesting, albeit difficult, pets.

Lovebirds are different from most pet birds, so before you decide if they're the right species for you, it's important to know their typical personality.

Personality and Temperament of General Lovebird

Lovebirds can create great pets, but they appear to be more feisty / aggressive than a cockatiel or a parakeet. They have lots of personality, and the people they bond with can be highly affectionate. They can also be very cantankerous, so they're a great option for someone who already has some bird-keeping experience.

A Lovebird Tame Holding

If you spend time managing them each day, most lovebird birds will not stay tame. Typically it's best to start with a hand-fed baby lovebird that is fully weaned and spend some time talking to it and holding it as you stroke their feathers gently.Tame birds love attention but if you don't give them time, they will get nippy and ultimately refuse to let you handle them at all.

Lovebird Pairs or Singles

The common view of lovebirds is that they have to live in pairs, mainly because there would be two bonded birds sitting by each other and preening. But if a single lovebird has the ability to bond with its creator, it can live happily on its own.

Two lovebirds who bond with each other may not be as friendly with their human partner as a rule of thumb. It's generally easier to have one as a single pet if you want a lovebird to bond closely with you. If you don't feel the need to deal with your lovebird, consider keeping two together to escape loneliness.

Aggression With Lovebirds May Be a problem

Sometimes, lovebirds are prone to aggression, so other animals should not be housed with them. New lovebirds introduced to their cage will also sometimes be attacked, so it's best to let potential cage mates get used to each other in side-by - side cages before you attempt to carry them together.

In general, male lovebirds make better pets

While exceptions are still present, males prefer to remain tamer than females. The more aggressive sex of the species is females, and when they reach sexual maturity, they also become very nippy.

Lovebird Cages

Rectangular cages are best because they offer space for a lovebird to fly back and forth as it would naturally do if it lived out in the wild. A cage that measures 30" L x 18" W x 18" H is a good minimum size for one or two lovebirds, but you can go with a larger cage as long as the bar spacing is no wider than five-eighths of an inch.

Lovebirds need a good night's rest of about 10 to 12 hours, so cover the cage at night to block out light.

Working out a Lovebird

You can teach Lovebirds to sit on your hands, "chat" and make sounds and do other fun tricks. They are highly intelligent and social and are ideal candidates for training with clickers. Some traditional tricks proprietors teach to their lovebirds include stepping up, turning, raising a wing (waving) and ringing bells.

Lovebirds are a true promise
Before you decide whether to bring one home, spend time chatting with breeders and getting to know their lovebirds. If you take good care of them, these little parrots will theoretically live 15 to 20 years, so be sure you can have everything your little pet would need to live a long and safe life.



                                                               LOVE YOURSELF💕

How to love yourself?If we love ourselves we will be happy, irrespective of our condition or what others think of us. We would be miserable if we do not respect ourselves, regardless of our circumstance or what others think of us. Loving ourselves, therefore, is very necessary. I will describe in this blog post how to love yourself.   

 The most famous strategies that don't work to love yourself. I think it is important to discuss why the most successful and most effective methods on how to love yourself can not give you the results you want, before we get into exactly how to love yourself .

The only reason we don't love each other is that we believe in pessimistic feelings about ourselves or our condition. It's these negative thoughts that build our guilt and sense of indignity or insufficiency. When we treat ourselves outside to something good (spa, holidays, dessert etc.),"In essence, we mean," I deserve this," "It's cool that I get to experience this," "This is something I should give myself because I'm worth it. And that's totally okay. There isn't a problem at all with this. Doing such things can feel fun. Continue doing it if you like it.

Now that we see why the 2 most common techniques on how to love yourself are not really working, let 's explore how to really feel love for oneself.

You have to ask yourself the first question, "Why do I not love myself?" , "What do I hate about myself?" ", "Why am I feeling unlovable? "What's my condition I don't like?
Generally speaking, we are so busy amusing ourselves and distracting ourselves from our thoughts that we don't just let ourselves be with our thoughts. And if we don't see what thoughts make us feel unlovable then we can't fix those thoughts for sure.

The response to the question "How to love yourself?" is that negative feelings about yourself and your life are what make you not love yourself. is to combat the feelings that make you hate yourself. You need to remove the feelings that make you feel unlovable, in order to accept yourself.

What Thoughts Are Making You Not Love Yourself? 
Looking at why you just don't love to love yourself may seem frightening. Because, if you don't look at these feelings, if you don't know why you don't love yourself, you're only going to continue to feel the way you do and go through life trying to make someone else love you to help you love yourself. And this causes a great deal of pain.

"We may not love ourselves for some of us because we think" I am unattractive," "my character is not good enough," "I am a failure," "I am not successful enough," "I am a bad mom," "I am not enjoyable enough, "or" I am not outgoing enough. Often there is no unique characteristic for other people that we don't like for ourselves.Instead, there might only be an implicit feeling of indignity or unlovability.

Right now, you should take a look and see if you should find your explanation. "Any of the following questions can be asked yourself:" Why do I not love myself? , "What do I hate about myself?" ", "Why am I feeling unlovable? "What's my condition I don't like?

The solutions may be very clear to you, but the explanation or reasoning as to why you don't love yourself may also be very difficult to find. If you don't want to do it right now, then consider giving this exploration process some time later. And for yourself, be careful. You simply can't push it.

How to love yourself: Whatever thoughts make you feel unlovable or worthless, out of nowhere do these thoughts pop up. These ideas you didn't pick up. You didn't pick them out. They are not managed by you. If you controlled your emotions, you would of course prefer never to think about yourself with negative thoughts. So, that's not a personal issue. You should then be soft on yourself.

Next step how to love yourself .Instead of pushing away or dismissing this feeling, instead of distracting yourself from this feeling, instead of telling yourself something positive and trying to persuade yourself that you are perfect, look to see what emotions cause these feelings, look to see what storeys are being told in your head at that moment. The next time you start to feel unworthy or not enjoying yourself,And then ask if these ideas or storeys are real.

When you see that these thoughts are not valid, or that they are not real and concrete, or that they mean nothing to you, then you are free.

You're not going to have a thought which says "I love myself" or "I am wonderful." But you don't need to love yourself with these feelings, you don't need to feel great with these feelings. The lack of negative thoughts about yourself, my dear friends, is literally loving yourself:-)

Bless God!!

By Izz Irfan





If you're full of patriotism, you're full of love for your country. Patriotism is associated with serving your country and waving the flag.

There are, actually, a lot of ways to demonstrate your patriotism. Waving the flag is an obvious way, but anything that celebrates your country or makes it stronger is a great display of patriotism. Whenever a country is at war, people are more vocal about their patriotism, playing patrioticsongs and making speeches full of national pride. Showing patriotism is so important that politicians will argue with each other about who really has more patriotism.

Patriotism allows a nation to take pride of the country's past, present and future achievements. When we feel patriotic about our countrywe are better placed to stand and rise against the differences that dent our country.

If you're full of patriotism, you're full of love for your country. Patriotism is associatedwith serving your country and waving the flag. Whenever a country is at war, people are more vocal about their patriotism, playing patriotic songs and making speeches full of national pride.
Patriotism is a healthy pride in your country that brings about feelings of loyalty and adesire to help other citizens. Nationalism is the belief that your country is superior, without question or doubt.
Nationalism is not only consciousness or a feeling of belonging to a certain nation; it is also, according to the definition by experts of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (1939:16), "a desire to forward the strength, liberty, or prosperity of a nation, whether one's own or another."

Irrespective of whether one is a born citizen, or whether citizenship is gained later in life – having loyalty to country allows one to truly appreciate and love one's homeland. Rebellion and treachery against a just government have always led to crippled societies.
Main Difference. The main difference between Loyalty and Patriotism is that the Loyalty is a faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause andPatriotism is a devotion to one's country.
Importance of Patriotism Essay: Patriotism is the feeling of attachment and love to one's country. It encompasses devotion and robust support for the nation. Patriotismembodies sacrifice for the country to protect its honor. It means identifying and understanding the ideals that the nation recognizes.
benefit of patriotism is how it promotes the public sacrifice necessary for the functioning of the state. War is a pertinent example. Soldiers often have a strong sense of patriotism, believing in the vision of a nation greater than themselves.
Patriots wanted the Thirteen colonies to gain independence from Britain. They wanted to create their own laws and to form the United States of America. The Patriots wanted freedom from British rule because they didn't think they were treated well. ... Patriots did not want to be ruled by the British any longer.
Loyalists: colonists of the American revolutionary period who supported, and stayed loyal, to the British monarchy. Patriots: colonists who rebelled against British control during the American Revolution.